Uses of Class

Uses of ComplexInstance.AbstractIntegerAggregator in partage

Subclasses of ComplexInstance.AbstractIntegerAggregator in partage
static class ComplexInstance.MaxAggregator
          An implementation of a real aggregator which computes the max of the weights.
static class ComplexInstance.MinAggregator
          An implementation of a real aggregator which computes the min of the weights.
static class ComplexInstance.SumAggregator
          An implementation of a real aggregator which computes the sum of the weights.

Fields in partage declared as ComplexInstance.AbstractIntegerAggregator
 ComplexInstance.AbstractIntegerAggregator ComplexInstance.collectiveAggregator
          The operator aggregating weights into collective utilities
 ComplexInstance.AbstractIntegerAggregator ComplexInstance.individualAggregator
          The operator aggregating weights into individual utilities