Uses of Interface

Uses of ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula in partage

Subinterfaces of ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula in partage
static interface ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectAgentFormula
          A static interface representing any propositional formula over the set of alloc(o,i) (the set of propositional variables representing the allocation of objects o to agents i).

Classes in partage that implement ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula
static class ComplexInstance.GenericObjectAgentFormula
          A static class representing a generic propositional formula made of an array of subformulae, and a logical operator, on the set of alloc(object, agent).
static class ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula
          A static class representing a generic propositional formula made of an array of subformulae, and a logical operator, on the set of objects.
static class ComplexInstance.ObjectAgentAtom
          A static class representing an atomic propositional variable (i.e. an alloc(object, agent)).
static class ComplexInstance.ObjectAgentClause
          A static class representing a clause of litterals alloc(o,i) or not(alloc(o,i)).
static class ComplexInstance.ObjectAgentDNF
          A static class representing a propositional logical formula of alloc(o, i) in disjunctive normal form (allows for a more efficient processing of this kind of preferences).
static class ComplexInstance.ObjectAtom
          A static class representing an atomic propositional variable (i.e. an object).
static class ComplexInstance.ObjectCNF
          A static class representing a propositional logical formula of objects in conjunctive normal form (allows for a more efficient processing of this kind of preferences).
static class ComplexInstance.ObjectDNF
          A static class representing a propositional logical formula of objects in disjunctive normal form (allows for a more efficient processing of this kind of preferences).

Methods in partage that return ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula
 ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula ComplexInstance.WeightedLogicalObjectFormula.getFormula()
 ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula[] ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula.getSubformulae()
          Standard getter to the subformulae

Methods in partage with parameters of type ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula
static ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula.and(ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula[] _sub)
          Makes a conjunction of several formulae
static ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula.and(ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula _sub1, ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula _sub2)
          Makes a conjunction of two formulae
static ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula.not(ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula _sub)
          Makes a negation of a formula
static ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula.or(ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula[] _sub)
          Makes a disjunction of several formulae
static ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula.or(ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula _sub1, ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula _sub2)
          Makes a disjunction of two formulae

Constructors in partage with parameters of type ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula
ComplexInstance.GenericObjectFormula(ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula[] _sub, int _op)
ComplexInstance.WeightedLogicalObjectFormula(ComplexInstance.LogicalObjectFormula _formula, int _weight)