Some constraints in Choco

I implemented some filtering algorithms for specific global constraints in Choco during my PhD. They have been written and tested with Choco 1.2, and some of them have been included in Choco 2.0. If you want to use these constraints, either download Choco 2.0, or download them separately below. Anyway, this page also provides a short description of these constraints, and how to use them in Choco. I hope someone will find this useful.

Sorting constraint


Let x and x' be two vectors of variables of the same length, and v be an instantiation. The sorting constraint Sort(x, x') holds on the set of variables being either in x or in x', and is satisfied by v if and only if v(x') is the sorted version of v(x) in increasing order. This constraint is called the Sortedness Constraint in [Bleuzen-Guernalec and Colmerauer 1997] and in [Mehlhorn and Thiel 2000].


[Bleuzen-Guernalec and Colmerauer 1997] N. Bleuzen-Guernalec and A. Colmerauer. Narrowing a block of sortings in quadratic time. In Proc. of CP'97. Linz, Austria, 1997.
[Mehlhorn and Thiel 2000] K. Mehlhorn and S. Thiel. Faster algorithms for bound-consistency of the Sortedness and the Alldifferent constraint. In Proc. of CP'00. Singapore, 2000.

Description of the implementation

We have implemented the algorithm from [Mehlhorn and Thiel 2000], that enforces bound-consistency in O(n log(n)) in the worst case. Some parts of the code still need to be optimized.
The constructor takes two vectors (corresponding to x and x') of IntDomainVar instances as parameters.


File Last Update 14th May 2007


Here is a simple example using the Sorting Constraint (this example can be downloaded as a Java file):

import choco.integer.IntDomainVar;
import choco.Problem;

public class SortingExample {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
      Problem p = new Problem();
      IntDomainVar[] u = p.makeEnumIntVarArray("u"415);
      IntDomainVar[] v = p.makeEnumIntVarArray("v"426); SortingConstraint(u, v));;

      if(p.solve() == Boolean.TRUE) {
        System.out.print("u = [ " + u[0].getVal() " " + u[1].getVal() " " + u[2].getVal() " " + u[3].getVal() " ] - ");
      System.out.println("v = [ " + v[0].getVal() " " + v[1].getVal() " " + v[2].getVal() " " + v[3].getVal() " ]");

      while(p.nextSolution() == Boolean.TRUE) {
      System.out.print("u = [ " + u[0].getVal() " " + u[1].getVal() " " + u[2].getVal() " " + u[3].getVal() " ] - ");
      System.out.println("v = [ " + v[0].getVal() " " + v[1].getVal() " " + v[2].getVal() " " + v[3].getVal() " ]");

The previous source code generates a problem with two vectors u and v of four variables, and the two following global constraints: Sort(u, v) and AllDifferent(u).

The only one admissible solutions are the following ones:

u = [ 2 3 4 5 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 2 3 5 4 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 2 4 3 5 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 2 4 5 3 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 2 5 3 4 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 2 5 4 3 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 3 2 4 5 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 3 2 5 4 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 3 4 2 5 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 3 4 5 2 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 3 5 2 4 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 3 5 4 2 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 4 2 3 5 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 4 2 5 3 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 4 3 2 5 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 4 3 5 2 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 4 5 2 3 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 4 5 3 2 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 5 2 3 4 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 5 2 4 3 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 5 3 2 4 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 5 3 4 2 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 5 4 2 3 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]
u = [ 5 4 3 2 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 5 ]

Leximin constraint


We define the leximin preorder as follows:
Let x and y be two vectors of n integers, and let x and y be the version of x and y rearranged in increasing order. x and y are said leximin-indifferent if x=y. y is leximin-preferred to x (written y>leximinx if and only if there is an i< n such that for all j≤ i:
  • the jth component of x is equal to the jth component of y
  • the ith component of x is lower than the ith component of y

Let x and x' be two vectors of variables, and v be an instantiation. The constraint Leximin(x, x') holds on the set of variables belonging to x or x', and is satisfied by v if and only if v(x) <leximin v(x').


[Frisch et al. 2003] A. Frisch, B. Hnich, Z. Kiziltan, I. Miguel, and T. Walsh. Multiset ordering constraints. In Proc. of IJCAI'03. Acapulco, Mexico, 2003.

Description of the implementation

The implementation of this constraint is adapted from the algorithm given in [Frisch et al. 2003] and enforces generalized arc-consistency on the constraint Leximin in O(n log(n)) (we choose tha version of the algorithm that does not build the entire occurrence vectors, as the size of our domains can be huge).
We made two versions of this constraint. The first one works on two vectors of variables, and the second one works on one vector of variables and one vector of integers.


File Last Update 14th May 2007 14th May 2007


Here is a simple example using the Sorting Constraint (this example can be downloaded as a Java file):

import choco.integer.IntDomainVar;
import choco.Problem;

public class LeximinExample {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
  Problem p = new Problem();
  IntDomainVar[] u = p.makeEnumIntVarArray("u"325);
  IntDomainVar[] v = p.makeEnumIntVarArray("v"324); LeximinConstraint(u, v));;

  if(p.solve() == Boolean.TRUE) {
      System.out.print("u = [ " + u[0].getVal() " " + u[1].getVal() " " + u[2].getVal() " ] - ");
      System.out.println("v = [ " + v[0].getVal() " " + v[1].getVal() " " + v[2].getVal() " ]");

  while(p.nextSolution() == Boolean.TRUE) {
      System.out.print("u = [ " + u[0].getVal() " " + u[1].getVal() " " + u[2].getVal() " ] - ");
      System.out.println("v = [ " + v[0].getVal() " " + v[1].getVal() " " + v[2].getVal() " ]");

The previous source code generates a problem with two vectors u and v of three variables, and the two following global constraints: Leximin(u, v) and AllDifferent(u).

The only one admissible solutions are the following ones:

u = [ 2 2 2 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 ]
u = [ 2 2 3 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 ]
u = [ 2 2 4 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 ]
u = [ 2 2 5 ] - v = [ 2 3 4 ]
u = [ 3 2 3 ] - v = [ 4 3 2 ]
u = [ 3 3 2 ] - v = [ 4 3 2 ]
u = [ 4 2 2 ] - v = [ 4 3 2 ]
u = [ 5 2 2 ] - v = [ 4 3 2 ]

AtLeast constraint


Let x be a vector of n variables, y be a variable, k ≥ n be an integer, and v be an instantiation. The constraint AtLeast(x, y, k) holds on the set of variables belonging to x and on y, and is satisfied by v if and only if at least k variables among the xi are such that v(xi ) ≥ v(y).
The constraint SemiAtLeast is the same, but where y is a number instead of a variable.

Description of the implementation

Our implementation of this constraint is a bit similar to the implementation of the Occurrence constraint in the Choco tutorial. It is also based on a storing of the ordered vector of the upper bounds of x. At the beginning, and at each propagation step, a reordering of this vector is done, using respectively a quick sort procedure at the beginning and an insertion sort procedure at each step. It leads to a time complexity of O(n2), but it is much faster in average, since the vector is almost sorted at each step (that is why we use an insertion sort procedure).
Two versions of the constraint are available, the second one being


File Last Update 14th May 2007 14th May 2007